Ladies Brunch
Ladies, join us for a sweet time of fellowship. Invite a friend!
If you plan to attend, please sign the sign-up sheet at the church for the event, or click “Contact Us” below and send us a message that you plan to attend.
Childcare not provided.
Ladies Meet & Greet
This will be a time to meet all the new ladies in the church, or if you’re new to the church, to get better acquainted. It will also be a time to discover ways for you to “plug in” to Grace Baptist Church.
Childcare not available.
Ladies Tea
Our ladies have always enjoyed our Ladies Tea. If you plan to attend, please sign the sign-up sheet at the church for the event, or click “Contact Us” below and send us a message that you plan to attend. Girls may attend as long as they can sit at a table for two hour. Childcare not provided.