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We believe that everyone has a place in our church.
We also believe that once you have chosen Grace Baptist as YOUR church, service is the next natural step. We are called to be servants. No matter our rank or status—from the highest to the lowest—God calls us to serve Him and one another.
There are many ways to serve at GBC, including...
Baby or toddler nursery childcare
K.I.D.S. Church teacher or helper
Youth - Sunday School teacher with middle & high schoolers
Upstairs church cleaner
Worship team member - vocalist or musician
Hebrews Café server
Men’s ministry
To volunteer and find out how you can serve alongside so many others at GBC as we bring God's grace to the Grafenwoehr/Vilseck military communities, fill out the form below and someone will reach out to you ASAP. Or see one of our Deacons the next Sunday you are in church.