Welcome to our Grace Homegroups
Willkommen in unseren Grace Hauskreis
Why a Homegroup/Hauskreis?
Because we are better together! Small settings have one, simple purpose: to bring people together in our communities by meeting regularly to share life and grow in faith.
Grafenwoehr Homegroup – Mondays, 6:30pm
The Grafenwoehr Homegroup meets every Monday at 6:30pm:
Location: Home of Dan and Pam Arroyo, Vilsecker Strasse 4, 92655 Grafenwoehr.
Study: TBD
Childcare: NOT provided.
Food: No meal
For questions or further details, contact: Dan or Pam at 0151 1776 7563.
Pressath Homegroup – Wednesdays, 6:00pm
The Pressath Homegroup will meet on Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the town of Pressath. This homegroup meets each week with a break at Christmas and over the summer.
Location: Home of Michael and Jennifer King – Im Hauptstr. 6, 92690 Pressath.
Study: Tactics, How to Effectively Discuss Your Christian Convictions
Childcare: Provided.
Food: A different “food theme” each week.
For questions or further details, contact: gopking@live.com / 0152 5477 2853
Trabitz International Homegroup – Fridays, 6:00pm
The International Homegroup will meet on Fridays and will be conducted in English:
Location: Home of Nelly Lamp – Feilersdorf 25, 92724 Trabitz (Some GPS systems direct to the wrong address, so be sure to bring the telephone number listed below.)
Study: TBD
Childcare: No Childcare is provided
Food: We start with a light potluck meal, so bring a dish!
For questions or further details, check out the latest details of what’s going on in the Trabitz International Homegroup, go to the Trabitz Homegroup Facebook page.
Netzaberg Homegroup – Sundays, 5:00pm.
The Netzaberg Homegroup meets Sunday evenings at 5:00pm:
Location: Home of Jon and Stephanie Krepel, 14 JFK Ring, 92676 Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz. (Netzaberg)
Study: TBA.
Childcare: No Official Childcare
Food: We start with a light potluck meal, so bring a dish!
For questions or further details, contact Jon or Stephanie at 1-405-590-8067.