Church Profile
General /Information:
Grace Baptist Church is located 40 miles NE of Nuremberg with a population of about 7,000 people plus 28,000 people from the USAG Bavaria military community. We have a full range of services in the area. We are a member of the International Baptist Convention (IBC) and follow historical Christianity in the Baptist tradition. The church is volunteer operated with the Pastor and Part-Time Treasurer as the only paid staff. Our church building has a seating capacity of 120 and is within walking distance of the Tower Barracks Gate 1. In order to stay in Germany beyond 90 days and work in Germany, one must have SOFA status or a Visa. SOFA status will allow one to reside in Germany, shop on Post, and utilize the Department of Defense schools for a fee. Homeschooling is also and option under SOFA. A Visa is required if one does not have SOFA and requires an application through the German government. However, if one is granted a German work visa, SOFA is no longer an option.
Our congregation comes from a diverse denominational background and is unique to stateside churches in that we are made up of military families, civilian government employees, and German citizens. The congregation experiences a regular turn over every year as members are typically stationed here for 2-3 years at a time. We have several opportunities for the congregation to be involved and supported. There is a nursery for babies and toddlers, K.I.D.S. church for K-5, youth class, monthly men’s breakfast, weekly ladies Bible study, along with various home groups. Our worship music is provided by a small group of singer, musicians, and technical crew who rotate on a weekly basis.
Within the Grafenwohr and Vilseck area, there is one other Baptist church and a handful of churches of other denominations. There is also two chapels on Post that offer a variety of services and weekly Bible studies. However, the chapels do not offer childcare during Sunday services and preaching is supplied by the military chaplains on a rotating basis.
We are blessed that we own our church building free and clear and that we are able to support a number of missionaries around the world through our Faith Promise Giving Program. Currently our tithes and offerings average between 9,000 and 10,000 euros a month. However, giving amounts can fluctuate as people are rotating in and out of the community each summer. We also have two home school groups as well as two smaller churches who use our facility each week. Their giving offsets the utilities that they use.
Average Attendance/Church Membership:
Currently, we have a weekly average attendance of 116 adults and children spread out over the two services. Our current membership consist of 31 members which fluctuates due to the military rotations. Church membership in an overseas military community is unique in that many families choose to attend, tithe, and serve without changing their membership from their stateside church.