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Missionary Guest Speakers

Missionary Guest Speakers

We will be honored to have two missionary guest speakers in May…

  • American missionary to Germans in the Regensburg area, Bob Radank, will be our guest on Mother’s Day, May 12. He will tell us about his mission work in the 9:45 Adult Bible Study and preach a Mother’s Day themed sermon in the 10:45 Morning Worship Service.

  • Romanian national missionary to Gypsies in Hungary and Romania, Mircia Pricop, will be our guest on May 19. He will tell us about his mission work in the 9:45 Bible Study and preach in the 10:45 Morning Worship Service. Being Romanian and working with Gypsies, of course Mircea plays the accordian! He will bless us with special music as well as his message from God’s Word in the morning service.

    These will be two special meetings you will not want to miss.

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