The Triumph of Christ/Palm Sunday
The Triumph of Christ
Luke 19: 28-47
On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the passion week. The whole purpose of Creation; from the beginning of time, to the culmination of Christ’s return, everything points to the events of this week. This is the purpose for which Jesus came. “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” Yet, the Almighty Creator of the Universe who reigns in Glory and Majesty rides into Jerusalem on a colt, he wept over the rebellion and destruction to come. In Righteous anger, He cleansed the Temple. He shared a special passover celebration with His followers, and finally surrendered Himself to betrayal, arrest, trial, torture, execution and death on a criminal’s cross. All Creation held its breath…”He became sin, who knew no sin.” The Lamb of God, the Son of God, our Prophet, Priest, and King took upon Himself all sin, all unrighteousness, all rebellion! He paid the blood-price, the ransom for your sins and mine! On the Cross of Christ, Jesus, our Messiah took upon Himself all the punishment you and I deserve. Jesus, our Lord, willingly took our place, He chose to receive in Himself the retribution demanded by a Holy and Righteous God. “Love so amazing!”
This week we enter into the range of emotions. The joy as the precious Lamb of God, humbly riding a colt, with people cheering His entrance into Jerusalem. The Lamb of God anointed with oil, by one he had healed from slavery to sin. The Righteous-indignation as He clears the Temple of the business of religion. The compassion and sorrow of the Prince of Peace as he weeps over the people who would betray, curse, spit upon, torture, and finally kill Him, their King, in the most cruel of punishments. We see the heart of Servant-Jesus as He takes up the role of a slave and washes His follower’s feet; instructing them to do the same! We observe the Lamb of God, carrying His own cross, nailed to a tree, hanging in shame and scorn, mocked and ridiculed by the very ones He came to save. Finally, with all of Creation, we hold our breath, as the Breath of Life dies on the cross and is lain in a grave. We pause to remember the sacrifice the King of Glory gave for you and me.
Three ways Jesus revealed His authority as Prophet, Priest, and King.
1. Triumphal Entry - The Kingly-Lordship of Jesus.
2. Jesus Wept over Jerusalem (the compassionate heart of Jesus) - Priest
3. Clearing of the Temple (the passionate zeal for prayer /righteousness) - Prophet