4/4/2021 Update
All restrictions rescinded…
This update supersedes all the updates below. Effective immediately, the German government had rescinded all restrictions. Face masks and physical distancing is now voluntary. Face masks are still provided free of charge for those who wish to wear them and need one.
9/18/2021 Update
More restrictions relaxed…
This update supersedes all the updates below. Here is a summary of our current rules and regulations:
Face masks are no longer required once you are at your seat, even while standing to sing. If you are up and about, you must wear your face mask.
Any type of face mask is now allowed. If you forget your face mask, the church has plenty available for free.
1.5 meter physical distancing is still required.
Seat reservations are NO LONGER required. You may just come and sit where you please as long as you maintain 1.5 meter physical distancing in your seats (at least 3 seats apart from another party).
Food and refreshments are now allowed at special events outside of normal church services, such as the monthly Men’s Breakfast. Physical distancing and face masks while not at your seat are still required at all church functions.
K.I.D.S. Church continues as is, i.e., with children seated as family units separated from other children in other families maintaining 1.5 meter physical distancing. Children 6-years-old and older no longer have to wear their face masks once in their seats, but must wear them when they leave their seats. Children under 6 are exempt from wearing face masks.
6/7/2021 Update
Some restrictions relaxed…
This update supersedes all the updates below. Here is a summary of our current rules and regulations:
Our congregation may now sing!
Face masks must still be worn while in the church building, including while singing.
1.5 meter physical distancing is still required.
Seat reservations are NO LONGER required. You may just come and sit where you please as long as you maintain 1.5 meter physical distancing in your seats (at least 3 seats apart from another party).
Food and refreshments are now allowed at special events outside of normal church services, such as the monthly Men’s Breakfast. Physical distancing and face masks are still required at all church functions.
K.I.D.S. Church continues as is, i.e., with children seated as family units separated from other children in other families maintaining 1.5 meter physical distancing. Children above 6 years of age must wear face masks the entire time.
6/21/2021 Update
New restrictions, a new opportunity for kids, and where to read our full protection measures…
There are two major changes from our last update.
New Restriction: Beginning January 24, all people aged 15 or older must have an FFP2 face mask whenever on the church property or in the church building. If you do not have an FFP2 face mask, we will issue you a NK-95 mask which is equivalent to the European FFP2 face mask.
New Kids Opportunity: Beginning January 24 we will have K.I.D.S. Church in BOTH the 9:30 and 11:00 AM Sunday Services. This second service for kids has been added so that as we grow, we do not have too many in the 111:00 service which would require us to turn down seat requests in order to maintain social distancing. You can see all the the protections we have instituted for our children in K.I.D.S. Church here.
Because the regulations have changed so many times, you may see our complete “Infection Protection Concept” that we submit to the German government to assure them that we are in full compliance with all laws and rules. This document is kept up-to-date. You can find this document here.
12/11/2020 Update
Second Wave restrictions…
This is the ninth Coronavirus Update since the start of the virus in March. It seems to many of us that this will never end. Now here we are in a second wave with new restrictions. It's not quite as bad as the complete lockdown in March-May, yet it is nevertheless challenging, to say the least. Praise God we have our Lord to lean on in these trying times! With new vaccines around the corner, I think we all see some light at the end of the tunnel.
But for now, new restrictions have been put in place by the German government, effective Sunday, December 13. Here are the changes:
Temporary prohibition of congregational singing: Congregational singing is not allowed by the German government until the COVID-19 infection numbers drop in our area. However, the worship team is permitted to play instruments and sing, so that will continue with a shorter song service and the addition of a scripture reading time and prayer before the sermon.
Temporary face mask rules: Face masks are now required during the entire service for all who are 6 and older. Face masks must also be worn outside. These requirements are temporary, from what we understand. Socially distanced seating in the sanctuary will continue, so seat reservations are still required by emailing us at church@gbcgraf.com to request seats. This is to make sure we do not exceed capacity and still maintain social distancing.
KIDS Church and face masks: KIDS Church will continue, but children must also wear masks throughout KIDS Church unless they are under 6 years of age. Singing is also not allowed for the time being, and social distancing will continue with other children not in the same family.
We all hope these changes are temporary. No one enjoys these restrictions, but we must maintain our testimony before a watching world (Phil. 1:27-30; Matt. 5:14-16; 1 Cor. 10:31), and except when our core responsibilities as a church and as believers are infringed (Acts 5:29; 4:19), we are instructed in the scriptures to obey governing authorities (Rom. 13:1-7; Titus 3:1; 1 Pet. 2:13-14). Let us serve God with equal fervency as when we did in normal times and with perseverance and cheerfulness as is befitting a believer (Rom. 5:3-4; 12:12; Ja. 1:12; Phil. 2:14; 1 Thess. 5:18)!
10/23/2020 Update
Update on services and activities during COVID-19 “second wave” in Bavaria…
Grafenwoehr and Vilseck are now in Code Red. However, little changes for churches since Grace Baptist Church is following all required rules under both the German government and the USAG Bavaria command for religious groups. This is a rapidly changing situation, so stay tuned in case things change after the next update by the German government on November 8.
So for the present we are still able to meet for our two Sunday services at 9:30 and 11:00, KIDS Church is still able to meet during the 11:00 service, seats must be reserved by emailing the church at church@gbcgraf.com, the Tuesday night Ladies Bible Study and the Sunday night German Ladies Bible Study will continue, social distancing will continue to be strictly enforced in seating and when conversing and fellowshipping, and all people 6 years old and above must wear face masks whenever not in their seats but may be removed once in their seats.
There are two changes to the previous policies:
Homegroups can only meet if they meet the regulation of no more than 5 people or two families in a home until Graf/Vilseck return to Code Yellow. In practice, this shuts them down for the present. They will be opened up again once we return to Code Yellow.
Out of an abundance of caution, the October 24 Men’s Breakfast was cancelled and we will not meet in November. The next Men’s Breakfast is scheduled for December 5.
9/20/2020 Update
Resumption of Ladies Bible Study & news on the Men’s Breakfast and upcoming Financial Peace University.
Our Fall Ladies Bible Study launched on September 29. It meets on Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 PM and no childcare will be provided due to COVID-19 restrictions. For details, click here.
Our monthly Men’s Breakfast has resumed on pre-announced dates. Check the Upcoming Events page for the next Men’s Breakfast.
GBC will host a Financial Peace University seminar in August. Check the Upcoming Events page for this and other events.
Let us know if you have any questions by writing to church@gbcgraf.com.
9/9/2020 Update
We are going to 2 services and adding safe, socially-distanced K.I.D.S. Church starting September 20.
Starting September 20 we will go to two services each Sunday at 9:30 AM and 11:00 and also restart our K.I.D.S. Church in the 11:00 AM service.
If you wish to attend a Sunday service, send an email request to church@gbcgraf.com and tell us the following information:
Which service you would like to attend
Your name
How many adults and children in your party will be attending.
K.I.D.S. Church will be for children ages 4 and above. For details and all precautions that are being implemented to protect our children, click here.
Presently we cannot provide childcare for children below 4 years of age due to German and U.Army General order restrictions. However, your children are welcome. We have a cry room if baby or toddler child becomes too loud or fidgety. If you do not think your toddler child can sit through the service, a practical solution is for parents to alternate going to church while the other spouse stays with the little ones.
Beginning September 20, Facebook Live will be available on the church Facebook page in the 11:00 AM service. If you cannot make it to an at-church service, be sure to watch the Facebook Live service at https://www.facebook.com/gbcgraf/.
Let us know if you have any questions by writing to church@gbcgraf.com.
8/16/2020 Update
Some restrictions relaxed.
We are continuing services with social distancing at 10:45. The only change in practices from previously is that face masks do not have to be worn once you are seated. They are required whenever in the church building, including on the way to and from your seat.
If you wish to attend a Sunday service, send an email request to church@gbcgraf.com and tell us the following information:
Your name
How many in your party will be attending.
Children are welcome! However, because of German COVID-19 regulations and U.S. Army general orders, we are not permitted to hold children’s classes or childcare at this time. We hope that we will be able to have a socially-distanced children’s class in the Fall. Presently our Sunday Service is shorter than prior to COVID-19 to accommodate our little ones. We also have a cry room if your child becomes too loud or fidgety.
Obviously, if you are over 65 years old or have co-morbidities, we advise that you use your own judgment about attending.
Remember that the 10:45 church service will continue to be streamed via Facebook Live on the church Facebook page. If you cannot make it to an at-church service, be sure to watch the Facebook Live service at https://www.facebook.com/gbcgraf/.
Let us know if you have any questions by writing to church@gbcgraf.com.
5/25/2020 Update
Services start May 31 in limited format!
We’re excited to announce that starting Sunday, May 31, Grace Baptist will resume Sunday services in a limited format! There will be two services, one at 10:45 and one at 14:00. If you wish to attend, send an email request to church@gbcgraf.com and tell us the following information:
Which service you wish to attend
How many in your party will be attending
Requests will be on a first-come-first-serve basis except that priority will be given to those who did not attend the previous Sunday over returnees. This is to give everyone a chance to worship since our capacity is about one-sixth of normal congregation size due to social distancing guidelines. You can still make a request weekly, but please understand that once our socially-distanced seats are filled with those who did not attend the previous service, we will write you back and inform you that we have filled our number for that service or that service and/or Sunday.
Be aware that all German COVID-19 laws and U.S. Army guidelines will be followed (Romans 13:1-7) including social distancing, the wearing of a mask anytime you are outside your car on the church property (children under 6 are exempted) and the prohibition against children’s classes or childcare. Children who are not able to sit quietly for an hour through the service should not attend.
Obviously, if you are over 65 years old or have co-morbidities, we advise that you stay at home and watch the service via Facebook Live. Anyone with any symptoms of illness are forbidden.
Remember that the 10:45 church service will continue to be streamed via Facebook Live on the church Facebook page. If you cannot make it to an at-church service due to the restrictions above, be sure to watch the Facebook Live service at https://www.facebook.com/gbcgraf/.
Let us know if you have any questions.
5/10/2020 Update
Good news and bad news
There is good news and bad news concerning our being permitted to restore services and small group meetings at Grace Baptist Church.
The good news is that General Order 1B was disseminated Friday, May 8, which lightens up some restrictions on military members, their families and civilians associated with the military. “Some” restrictions should be interpreted as “very few,” but every baby step towards loosening up is heartening.
The bad news is that the section of the General Order 1B under “Restrictions on Movement” states, “parties and social gatherings are strictly prohibited.” Social gatherings is the category churches fall under. Therefore, no military-associated person may attend church services or small groups.
So Grace Baptist Church has no choice but to continue not to meet until further notice. However, you can continue to watch our worship and preaching service every Sunday on Facebook Live at the “Grace Baptist Church Grafenwoehr” Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/gbcgraf/). Also, if you would like to join our weekly Pressath Homegroup Zoom Meeting at 1830 Wednesdays, send an email to us at church@gbcgraf.com and request to be sent the weekly invite to join the meetings. You must have the Zoom app on your computer, tablet or smartphone to participate.
Here’s one request from your pastor: Please pray! Pray that our leaders would make wise decisions regarding opening things back up. Pray for those in our nation and around the world who have lost jobs and livelihoods because of lockdown restrictions. Pray that God would keep our church’s people physically safe from COVID-19, but more importantly, spiritually strong in the absence of church services. Pray for a soon lifting of restrictions on church gatherings. Also pray for a technical solution on how to resume our services and continue streaming the church’s services at the same time, not a small feat. Finally, pray for wisdom for our leadership and the worship team to know how to resume services under the strict restrictions we are anticipating.
3/15/2020 Update
How to watch the Sunday service online during COVID-19 service suspensions
Though our services are temporarily suspended (see message below on 3/14), Sunday’s sermons will be broadcast live and recorded for posting later. Pastor Sligh is continuing his series through the Gospel of Mark. Here’s how you can watch:
Sunday sermons are streamed live via Facebook Live on the church Facebook page each Sunday at 10:45, our normal Morning Worship Service time. Click here to watch live, or scroll down to find the sermon video after the sermon has finished.
Sunday’s sermons are also being posted on YouTube. Click here to view past sermons.
3/14/2020 Update
An important message from our leadership team:
Public Assembly Suspension
After prayer and consideration of the guidelines laid out by USAEUR and USAG Bavaria Command, the Board of Deacons has unanimously decided that until further notice all public gatherings of Grace Baptist Church are to be suspended. This includes all Sunday services, Bible studies, homegroups and small groups, whether they are at the church or in homes, on Sunday or during the week. We must do our part to contain the virus and support both our military community as well as the German community. This decision was not made in a spirit of fear, but with an abundance of caution and to support both our local military and German communities.
Until services resume at GBC, Sunday’s sermons will be available on Facebook Live at 10:45 each Sunday, our regular Sunday morning worship time, on GBC’s Facebook page. Join us as Pastor Sligh continues his series on the Gospel of Mark. There will also be regular updates on when services and other activities can resume.
Regarding the future, we will closely follow instructions and guidelines being put out by military authorities and when soldiers and their families are free to assemble publicly, we will return to our regular schedule of church activities. We will continue to send out periodic mass emails with updates, but you can also check here or on the church’s Facebook page for up-to-date information.
Church Ministry
Services and meetings are not the only things that happen in a church. If you need counseling, email me at church@gbcgraf.com and we can set up a call. I’ll always be able to carve out time for you if you need me. If you know of someone who needs love or help, reach out to them individually. BE the church even if the church cannot BE TOGETHER for a short while. If you are in any need or assistance, please reach out to the church and let us know by emailing me at church@gbcgraf.com or calling 0160-96475554.
Church Giving
If you are a giver at Grace Baptist Church, please continue to give via one of our online options. If you wish to give in person, email me at church@gbcgraf.com or text me at 0160-96475554 and I can meet you to receive your offering.
Remember that our services and public activities may be temporarily suspended, but our expenses are not! Your continued generosity is a vital resource that enables us to continue our mission on a weekly basis. Here is how to give:
To give by PayPal: Just go to the church website and under “Ways to Help” you will find the donate button. Or just click here.
To give in dollars by direct bank-to-bank transfer: Here is our U.S. bank information:
Bank name: First Horizon Bank
Name of Account: Grace Baptist Church
Routing no.: 061300367Acct. no: 172577679
To give in euros by überweisung (direct German bank-to-bank transfer), here is the our German bank information:
Bank Name: Postbank
Name of Account: Grace Baptist Church
IBAN: DE20 7601 0085 0095 1128 56BIC: PBNKDEFF
Do not be afraid.
Above all else, remember that we serve a sovereign God who instructs us not to live in a spirit of fear. God is good, He’s faithful, and we know that He’s still at work all around us. This crisis will pass and no matter what, at the end of it all, God will still be sovereign, good and faithful. Keep your trust in Him.
If you have any questions please contact us at church@gbcgraf.com or call at 0160-96475554.